Monday, February 7, 2011

Irish Mail on Sunday, Sunday prank or classless?

Readers of the Irish Mail on Sunday might have noticed a slight difference in last Sunday's edition; certainly readers of the Sunday Tribune would have noticed. The Irish Mail on Sunday decided to take a swipe at its almost down and out rival and try and move in on its reader base before the ink on the receivership documents has even dried. It follows on from the Sunday Tribune's announcement that it will be unable to publish for the next for weeks until new owners are found.
I think that while it may seem a good media stunt for a serious newspaper to resort to, this type of classless media stunt highlights the lack of belief in their brand as any serious newspaper relies on the conviction and legitimacy of their writer and the articles produce to genereate new readership. I just think this smacks of tabloid sensationalism and would certainly turn me off this particular broadsheet. If they want to be a tabloid and act like a tabloid then fine, but dont try and present yourself as a serious newspaper and resort to these kind of back ally tactics to promote your brand by putting down another. I'm sure I am not the only one who feels like this how does everyone else feel would you still buy the Irish Mail on Sunday?
Sean W.

1 comment:

  1. I would agree that this move by The Irish Mail was tasteless, and it is an excellent example of the unwillingness of Irish businesses to help each other out in recessionary times; with regards to how Ireland is perceived on an international level. It is certainly not helping with our current image of Ireland as a poverty stricken country in serious trouble.
    Aside from this, I think that it is very disheartening that newspapers are closing down. Furthermore, the recent case of Waterstones is tragic; the book shop is a landmark for many Irish consumers. I hope that this is not a sign of what is to come for the written word.
